Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fellowship Night at Church (G230 RM)

Hello everybody.  I hope you are all well and growing in the Lord during this busy season.  I wanted to make you guys aware of a change that will affect our meeting place in the short term as we go through the transition Pascal and Jacob announced last friday.  We will be having bible study meet at the church  (G230 room).  It is reserved from 6:30pm and on.  Thanks to Morgan for getting that for us!

This Friday, Stephen Duwe will lead us in a short devotional and prayer time.  If possible, we will have a skype with our missionary at about 10pm so plan on sticking around for that if you can.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bible study and the Moore's, Fri, Jan 25th at 7PM

This Friday we will be doing a review and Q&A time which will cover the last 5 chapters of Proverbs.

I will do a 10-15 minute review for all the chapters so far. Then I'd like to take questions from you guys. I know that there have been questions that have come up and we haven't had the time to cover them, so please think about any questions you may have that you would like to talk more about. The questions can be practical or more theological. You can also ask personal questions about my wife and my marriage or how we met, or about plans for the study or whatever you'd like.

Two additional topics I'd like to hear from you all on are the nature of wisdom and the nature of a proverb. So please think about what you've learned about those topics and come prepared to discuss and share.

Thank you all and I look forward to seeing you again this Friday.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hughes Party! @ Grace Community Church

Greetings brothers and sisters of the NoHo biblestudy.  You should have already received an invite from Gigi regarding this friday's celebration of the newest little Hughes.  A few things to remember:

General Schedule
- Fellowship & food!
- Music & sharing/prayer. We will be having a sharing time in which we will briefly share a biblical principle and the passage that God has taught us in regards to parenting.  For example, ,” One of the attributes of the fruit of the Spirit in Gal 5 is patience.  When we were potty training ‘X’ for 15 years...”.  You get the idea.  
-More fellowship & more eating!
Looking forward to an encouraging time of fellowship and celebration!"


[please email us at for more info]

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Biblestudy @ the Grosjeans, Friday Jan. 11th, 7pm... Q&A with Travis Allen

Dear fellow douloi

This Friday we will have the privilege to have our dear Pastor and his family coming into our Biblestudy to answer questions about ministry, Christian living and whatever you would like to ask them. 

This is also a great opportunity to get to know Travis and his family a little closer and have a great time of fellowship and encouragment together.

We are looking forward to another great time with the Noho family...



Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bible Study @ the Wong's, 7pm, Jan 4, 2012

Greetings Fellow Duloi,

This Friday, Jan 4, we'll be meeting at the Wong's apartment @ 7pm for Bible study.

[please email us at for further information]

We will study the book of Philemon. We will discover what this book teaches us about love and reconciliation in the body of Christ. It's the shortest Pauline letter. It's less than a page in my Bible, so unless you have the ultra ultra Big Letter version, you should find it to be a short read. 

To prepare for the study please read Philemon once through. If you want to be very prepared, make a paragraph titles (4-6 words) for each of the paragraphs in the letter. This will help you to see the flow in the letter more clearly. If you're using the ESV translation then you should end up with 9 paragraph titles.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Happy New Year!

warmly in Christ,