Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Study at the Moore's on the 28th at 7pm

This Friday we will be meeting for our second lesson in Proverbs 5. I hope to cover verses 7 to 23, though this might be overly ambitious. But if we have another great discussion like last time, that will be a wonderful blessing too.

Proverbs 5.7 ¶ And now, O sons, listen to me,
and do not depart from the words of my mouth.
Proverbs 5.8 Keep your way far from her,
and do not go near the door of her house,

VS 7-8: How do you respond to such a person? How is "do not depart from the words of my mouth," in verse 7 practically demonstrated in verse 8?

Verses 9 to 11 show the consequences of a person who has departed from the words of wisdom.

Proverbs 5.9 lest you give your honor to others
and your years to the merciless,
Proverbs 5.10 lest strangers take their fill of your strength,
and your labors go to the house of a foreigner,
Proverbs 5.11 and at the end of your life you groan,
when your flesh and body are consumed,

To see a good example of this you can read about Samson in Judges 14-16.
Samson takes three women, two wives and a prostitute, from the Philistines. Both his wives deceive him and betray him to the Philistines. His second wife, Delilah, betrays him to the Philistines and they gauge out his eyes. His last act of strength kills himself and 3,000 Philistines with him. Before he took his first wife, "his father and mother said to him, 'Is there not a woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?' But Samson said to his father, 'Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes.'"(Judges 14.3)

Verses 12 to 14 are a lament, of sorts, of the person who has departed from the way of wisdom. This acts as a warning for us. 

Proverbs 5.12 and you say, “How I hated discipline,
and my heart despised reproof!
Proverbs 5.13 I did not listen to the voice of my teachers
or incline my ear to my instructors.
Proverbs 5.14 I am at the brink of utter ruin
in the assembled congregation.”

VS 13-14: What are the things that the person pictured here rejects? What would the lesson for us be then? What things should we love and cherish? 

What does it practically mean to love discipline and seek reproof? What would it meant to incline your ear to instructors?

Verses 9-11 show the consequences of a person who departs from wisdom and verses 12-14 show us the person's lament after they have departed from that wisdom. That departure from wisdom was all from a simple command in verse 8: "Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house," 

Does this seem a little drastic to you? Why or why not? How would you support your position using scripture?

What general principle can you learn from Matt 12:30? In Genesis 2:24 we learn that a man and a woman become one flesh in marriage. If we pair this idea with 1 Cor 15:33 how does that help you to understand why marrying an unbeliever or even going near the door of her house might be so dangerous?

Verses 15-18 are an extended metaphor. As you read these verses see if you can distil out the common theme.
Proverbs 5.15 ¶ Drink water from your own cistern,
flowing water from your own well.
Proverbs 5.16 Should your springs be scattered abroad,
streams of water in the streets?
Proverbs 5.17 Let them be for yourself alone,
and not for strangers with you.
Proverbs 5.18 Let your fountain be blessed,
and rejoice in the wife of your youth,
Proverbs 5.19 a lovely deer, a graceful doe.
Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight;
be intoxicated always in her love.
What common theme (i.e. consistent language about a subject matter) flows through 15-18?

If verse 15 were only speaking about water, how would you paraphrase it?

How about verses16-17?

What is this theme tied to in verse 18?

How is this metaphor further developed in verse 19?

How would your paraphrasing for verses 15-17 change in light of verses 18 & 19?

Proverbs 5.20 Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman
and embrace the bosom of an adulteress?
Proverbs 5.21 For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD,
and he ponders all his paths.

"To Ponder" here is the same word as in verse 4:26 and 5:6. It means to make level, to prepare the foundation, as you would a road – roll flat, ponder, think about.

As we discussed in the previous Proverbs, this pondering is a considering and a thinking about the consequences of where you've been and preparing your path to head in the direction you desire to go.

If you agree with this, how would you interpret the idea that God ponders all our paths?

Can you think of any verses to support this idea?

So then, this verse says much more than simply, God sees everything we do. How might this provide encouragement as you battle with sin?

Proverbs 5.22 The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him,
and he is held fast in the cords of his sin.
Proverbs 5.23 He dies for lack of discipline,
and because of his great folly he is led astray.

VS 22-23 – This describes the man who does not do ponder the path of life. What happens to him?

If we pair these verses with Galatians 5:16-17, what does this teach us, again, about the nature of discipline? Can you think of any examples of this in your own life?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Potluck and White Elephant @ the Acee's

This Friday, we'll be meeting at the Acee's and having our Noho Christmas potluck and white elephant gift exchange!  I look forward to seeing you all there as we celebrate the season of Christmas together!  We will officially begin the dinner at 7pm, but you are welcome to come as early as 5pm to hangout and mingle.  There will be an opportunity for the kids to play outside in the waning sunlight as a chill wind from the north descends upon us.  There will be food, movies, games, laughter, hopefully no crying, and the blessing of fellowship together.  Please email us if you need further information.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fellowship Night at Nakia's Dec 14 7pm

Greetings all. What an exciting week we've had.  Two new babies, and that's just in our biblestudy.  That has to be a record.  Please keep the Hughes and the Diaz's in your prayers!
In case you missed the last email, we will be having biblestudy at Nakia's house again. Joshua Petty will be encouraging the study with a Christmas devotional. Thank you Nakia for hosting for the second week in a row.  Please email for more detailed information.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fellowship night at Nakia's, Dec 7 at 7pm

Hello everybody.  Hope you are all well and growing in the grace of our Lord.  This week and next, Nakia will be hosting the bible study as we enjoy fellowship together.

An e-mail was sent out with the address.

If you are new to our Bible study  feel free to write us - - and we will get back to you soon.

We are looking forward to another great time of fellowship...


Monday, November 26, 2012

Proverbs Study at Moore's Friday, Nov 30th at 7 PM

This coming Friday we will be looking at Proverbs 5:1-14.

Here are questions to think over as you read the text. I have also included the text in ESV translation to help.

Proverbs 5.1 ¶ My son, be attentive to my wisdom;
incline your ear to my understanding,
Proverbs 5.2 that you may keep discretion,
and your lips may guard knowledge.

VS 1: Do you notice anything familiar about the phrasing in vs 1? How would you summarize it? What picture comes to mind when you think of someone "inclining [their] ear to," something?
VS 2: What do the lips of the wise do?

Proverbs 5.3 For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey,
and her speech is smoother than oil,

VS 3: In contrast to verse 2, what do the lips of the forbidden woman do?
– Who was forbidden at this time? See 1 Kings 11:2 and Exodus 34:11-16 for help.
– Who is forbidden now? Can you think of verses to support this? Can you think of any biblical principles to support this?
-- How would you paraphrase this verse? 

Proverbs 5.4 but in the end she is bitter as wormwood,
sharp as a two-edged sword.

VS 3-4 What she says sounds good, is smooth and easy, but in the end is what? Here is another mention of bitter wormwood in scripture: Rev 8:10-11. What kind of picture of bitterness does that portray?

What does two-edged sword make you think of? Some other verses that mention the phrase: Psa 149.6; Prov 5.4; Heb 4.12; Rev 1.16; 2.12.

Unbelievers often seem to be more interested in intimate relationship with us than believers. How might the ideas above help explain that phenomenon?

Proverbs 5.5 Her feet go down to death;
her steps follow the path to Sheol;
Proverbs 5.6 she does not ponder the path of life;
her ways wander, and she does not know it.

VS 5: Where is she headed? 
VS 6: To ponder can mean to prepare and lay a foundation for a road; or, to think about. What is the woman in these verses pondering, if anything? What is her relationship to pondering? What similarities do you see between 5:6 and 4:19.

-- How could person represented in 4:26-27 be sexually joined (ie one flesh) with person in 5:5-6? What would result be?

Proverbs 5.7 ¶ And now, O sons, listen to me,
and do not depart from the words of my mouth.
Proverbs 5.8 Keep your way far from her,
and do not go near the door of her house,

VS 7-8: How do you respond to such a person? How close is too close? What might some guidelines be?

Proverbs 5.9 lest you give your honor to others
and your years to the merciless,
Proverbs 5.10 lest strangers take their fill of your strength,
and your labors go to the house of a foreigner,
Proverbs 5.11 and at the end of your life you groan,
when your flesh and body are consumed,
Proverbs 5.12 and you say, “How I hated discipline,
and my heart despised reproof!

What are the things that the person pictured here hates? What would lesson for us be then? What things should we love and cherish? 

Proverbs 5.13 I did not listen to the voice of my teachers
or incline my ear to my instructors.
Proverbs 5.14 I am at the brink of utter ruin
in the assembled congregation.”

VS 13-14: What did this person not do? Consequently, what should we do?

Here are some additional verses to help clarify influences others can have on you.

Whoever is not with me is against me.  -- Matt 12:30; Luke 11:23
There's no middle ground. Bad company ruins good morals. 1 Cor 6:16-20.
Don't presume on God's kindness, he is kind to lead you to repent. Rom 2:4

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fellowship Night @ the Del Aguila's, this Friday Nov 23 2012

Greetings to all!  I hope you are all having a blessed week.  This week, we are having our After Thanksgiving Leftovers Potluck.  A couple of things to know:

1.  Location:  There was some confusion on this, but the fellowship night will be at our House.  That way, you can see all the work the Solid Dudes did this fall.

2.  Food:  So here's the basic idea.  Plan on bringing your thanksgiving leftovers over.  That's it. We will provide Coffee, Tea, and drinks as well as some of our own leftovers.

3.  Time:  Feel free to come as early as 4:30 pm.  

May you all a blessed Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fellowship Night @ Amanda House, this Friday, Nov 16th

Dear fellow douloi

This week Amanda House graciously offered to open her home hosting our fellowship this coming Friday. 

Time: 7pm

An e-mail will be send out with the address and all the information you need.

If you are new to our Biblestudy, feel free to write us - - and we will get back to you soon.

We are looking forward to another great time of fellowship...


Pascal and Jacob

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Biblestudy @ Grosjean 1John 2:3-6 "Keeping the Commandments", this Friday 7pm

Dear fellow douloi

This Friday we are going to continue our studies in 1John.  In order to prepare yourself for the study you can go through the following questions...

1. In verse 3, John says first "we know", present tense, and then "have come to know", which is a perfect tense, connoting past idea.  What is the significance of that?

2. What is meant by "commandments" in verse 3?

3. What does that mean, when the "truth is not in" someone", in verse 4?

4. In verse 5, John talks about the "love of God" - is this the love of man for God or the love of God for man?

5. What does "perfected" mean? Sinless?

6. Can you think of some overall applications of this passage? Why is it so important for us? What major controversy is involved?

I am looking forward to another time in the word...



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fellowship Night Fri Nov 2 @ Amanda House' relatives house

Greeting all!  I hope you find yourselves growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.

This Friday, we will be having a fellowship night at Amanda House' house.  Looking forward to seeing you all there as we fellowship with conversation, singing, and prayer.  Here is the basic download below:

Set Up
Downstairs – Open kitchen/dining/living room.  Maybe need some folding chairs.  If the weather is nice the outside also has table and chairs.
Upstairs – the kids can play up here and we can use the master bedroom for sleeping.  Sleeping bags and pack and plays should come with the kids that need to sleep.
House Rules

Don't break stuff
Just a little insight into my family.  No real house rules other than a room that we call “the Museum” is off limits but that will be pretty easy to do.

Hope to see you there,

Grace and Peace,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Proverbs 4.2 Study at Moore's, OCT 26 at 7PM

Hello everyone. It has been great to return to the study and attend regularly. I have missed you all and I am so glad to be spending time with you all again.

This Friday I will be teaching the second half of Proverbs 4. We will be going over verses 20-27. I have included the questions here to help assist you in your study.

I want to remind you all again, that no matter how good the teacher is, there is no substitute for doing the reading and study yourself. The two go hand in hand. If you are able to do the study before hand, then we, as a group, can get much further and in-depth in our discussion. If you don't have time to do the entire study, just do what you can. Anything is better than nothing.

Proverbs 4.2

:20 -- My son, be attentive to my words;
        incline your ear to my sayings. 

– Have you seen this expression elsewhere in Proverbs 4? What might that repeated pattern indicate? How would you paraphrase this expression?

:21 -- Let them not escape from your sight;
        keep them within your heart.

–  Can you think of a real world example where you might use this expression? Why, in your example, would you not want the thing or person to escape from your sight?
– How can we work to keep God's commands in our heart? 
-- Read Deut 30:14. Why is the word in your mouth and heart?
– Matt 6:22 What does it mean that the eye is the lamp of the body? What does this tell us about what we look at?

:22  -- For they are life to those who find them,
        and healing to all their flesh.
– How does doing God's commands bring healing and refreshment?

:23  -- Keep your heart with all vigilance,
        for from it flow the springs of life.

– What does it mean to keep your heart? How do you do this?
– What is a spring? What is different about a spring and other water bodies like river, lake, etc.?

:24 -- Put away from you crooked speech,
        and put devious talk far from you.

Solomon goes directly from the heart in verse 23 to speech in verse 24 – What does speech have to do with the heart? Can you think of any verses that deal with this?
– If crooked speech is coming out, what does this tell us about our heart?
–What does vs 24 mean practically?
– James 4:1-2. If we are fighting, what does this tell us about ourselves and our desires?

:25  -- Let your eyes look directly forward,
        and your gaze be straight before you.

– If you are on the path of wisdom, what does looking directly forward mean? What does this have to do with our hearts? Our speech? What does wisdom from above look like? Can you think of a verse that deals with this?

:26 -- Ponder the path of your feet;
        then all your ways will be sure.

– If you are literally on a path, what might it mean to ponder the path of your feet? This verse calls us to ponder what? Is this a specific or general path?

:27 -- Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
        turn your foot away from evil. 

– Turning to the left or right is equated with what? So righteousness is what? Can activities that are good lead us astray?  Can you think of any?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Notes from Children-In-Study discussion

Here are the general guidelines for Children we discussed.

- Parents should get their children food. (i.e. children should not be getting their own food)
- Children should never be running or yelling or making loud noises.
- Children should never be rummaging through drawers and/or exploring rooms in the host home.
- On study nights, children should go to sleep around 8-8:30PM, and on fellowship nights parents might opt to have an activity for their children at this time.
     - The lesson will wait for 5-10 minutes or so while the children are put to bed.
     - If the parents opt to have an activity, the children should be supervised.
     - If the children stay up, the parents should make sure they do not disrupt the study.
- Parents are always responsible for, and the authority over their children. We have all agreed that we, as parents, would appreciate gentle reminders to our children if they are acting in a way that is inappropriate. We can't see everything and we trust the others in the study to help when they see something. If you see something that doesn't seem right, always feel free to tell the parents.

Other notes we discussed:

- Please communicate with the host home if you will be needing blankets, pack&play, and/or other things.
- Please also communicate how many kids will be going down, so the house can plan sleeping arrangements.
- Please help clean up and re-order the house before you leave so that the host isn't left with a mess and a lot of work.

Thank you all for your thoughts and ideas. It is great to be a part of a bible study where everyone is actively involved in improving things and helping to make things run smoothly. What a blessing our group has been to us and it is a joy to be getting to know you all better and better as time passes.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Bible Study Fellowship Night this Friday Oct 19 2012 , 7pm

Greetings brothers and sisters of Doulos Noho study.  This friday, the Hacketts will be hosting a fellowship night.  Here is the info direct from the Hacketts themselves:

Please join us at the Hackett residence on Friday, October 19 at 7:00pm, for a kick off of the fall season with soup/chili and festive num nums under the stars.  The forecast is actually for fall temperatures, so bring something warm to wear just in case.  After the food, we will have a time of worship in song, prayer and a testimony.  We will also be celebrating the birthdays of Morgan Hughes and Emily Hackett.  Our room will be available for sleeping kids (bring your pack & play – we have blankies). 
Please reply ASAP if you are planning on coming (for food planning purposes).  Also, if you are able to sign up for something, please sign your name next to the item you will bring and “reply all,” so we can all see what else is needed.  Feel free to bring something that’s not on the list.  We look forward to a great evening of fellowship.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bible Study @ the Grosjeans this coming Friday October 12th, 7pm

Dear fellow douloi of the Noho Study

Again, we are looking forward to spend time together, build each other up in the faith and study the Word of God.  There are two things we would like to work through this coming Friday.

First, we will discuss the issue with the children and hope to get your feedback on what we announced before.

Second, if time permits, we are also going to continue our study in 1John.  I would like to change the format a little and make it much more interactive then before.  Please read through 1John chapter 1 and chapter 2:1-2.  We are going to focus on 2:1-2, although I would like to set the context again and see what you still remember.

In order to prepare yourself for the Study please work through the following questions (we will work through these together too):
 (VERSE 1)
1.     John is addressing his recipients with “my little children”, this is another word then the usual for “child” in Greek. It means little child, small child… why is he addressing them in this way?
2.     What are “these things”?
3.     What does the wording “so that” indicate, and why will it have this effect?
4.   Why is he saying: “if anyone does sin”? (…this stands for a subjunctive mood, indicating in this context a more probable future event… “it may happen, more likely, more certainly”…)   
5.     Is this not a contradiction to what he said in 1:5-7?
6.     “We have” is continual action in the Greek “we are continually having”, what is the significance of this?
7.     How is Christ further described and what is the significance of the three descriptions found in this verse?
1.     Try to find out what “propitiation” (the English term; we will expand a little on the Greek term…) means (maybe a Lexicon or Dictionary or Google it… ;-)).
2.     Which theological debate comes to your mind by looking at the rest of the verse? What does it seem to teach?
3.     Related to question 2, what is the “whole world” in the context of 1John?
4.     Against the backdrop of Gnosticism, why do you think did John bring this idea of “Christ being the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world” up?

I am looking forward to a great time of studying God’s Word together…

Blessings and see you soon…


Friday, October 5, 2012

Fellowship Night October 5 2012

Hello dear saints of Doulos Noho. Hope you are all well and growing in the grace of our Lord this week.  We will be having fellowship night at Roderick Hurts place this week. Parking is limited so you may want to carpool if possible. Guests will need to park across the street in the parking lot in from of the gym or find street parking.

Please email or call if you need directions.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Proverbs 4 Study at the Moore's Friday Sept 28th

This Friday we will look at Proverbs 4. Please read through the text several times before the study. Below are the questions to ponder as you read through the text. As usual, we will try to keep the lesson practical and applicable to our lives. If you have questions, please let me know before hand or during the study. Thanks and I'll see you all soon, LORD willing.

Intro questions: What similarities are there in the language of 4:1; 4:10; and 4:20? What might this indicate about the structure of the Chapter?

Who is talking in these verses? Who is the audience?

Vs. 1-2 -  What is the picture presented here? What image comes to mind when you read these verses?
Vs. 3 - What is the picture presented here? When seen in connection with vs 1, what pattern is represented?
Vs. 4 - What comes to mind when you hear, "hold fast?" What are some actions associated with "hold fast?" How might you hold fast to words?
Vs. 5 - What are the commands here? What does this indicate of what our tendency might be?
Vs. 6 - What are the commands here? What are the promises?
Vs. 7 - Is this a Catch-22? How can you get Wisdom, if to get it, you need it? What might this tell us about the nature of Wisdom? To help answer that question, consider two things, one in chapter 2 what was Wisdom regularly paralleled with or compared with, and two, consider how the phrase "beginning of..." might contribute to your understanding of the nature of Wisdom. e.g. is Wisdom a thing to gain or grasp? If not, what is it best compared to?

We will work through verses 10-19 in greater detail during the lesson. But, as a preview, look at each verse and find the commands. Then see what principle can be drawn from that command, then ask yourself how that principle might apply to you. We will spend most of our time in verses 10-19 talking through the application of these verses, so please come prepared to share and talk.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fellowship Night at the Acee's on Friday September 21st

Hello brothers and sisters of Doulos Noho.  Hope you are all well and growing in the knowledge of the Lord this week.  Wanted to let you all know that we will be having a fellowship night at the Acee's place.  Parking is limited so you may want to carpool if possible.  Please email or call if you need directions.

We look forward to a time of fellowship, building one another up, music, and prayer.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Big Log Poking from Your Eye: A Bible study of Matthew 7:1-6 @ 7pm @ the Grosjean’s this Friday (9/14/12)

Dear fellow Duloi of the Noho Biblestudy,

This coming Friday we will study Matthew 7:1-6. Come to the Grosjean's at 7pm. This is an often quoted, albeit often misused, portion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. We will address these questions during the study:

Why did Jesus say this?
Who is Jesus’ primary original audience in this passage?
How have you seen/heard this passage wrongly used? How have you seen/heard this passage rightly used?

If you are able to please read Matthew 5-7, the entire Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, to give yourself good context for the study.

I am looking forward to a great time of fellowship and bible study!

In Christ,

Pascal and Vince

[please email for more info and address]

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fellow Douloi,

Please join us Friday Sept. 7th at 7:00 pm for a fellowship evening BBQ at our home.  There is a signup email we have sent so if you have not received, please email for the info and address.  We look forward to a great evening of fun and fellowship.  

In Christ,
Cheryl & Tim 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Uber Bible Study

After speaking with the leaders of the Valencia Bible Study, we have arranged to have an "Uberstudy" at their game night this Friday.  This will be a great opportunity to fellowship with and encourage many our brothers and sisters at the Valencia bible study.  It will be in Saugus at Amanda Thompsons house.  Please let us know if you are thinking of coming as Amanda and some girls have graciously offered to make dinner for all those coming.  There will be an upstairs area for the kids to play and a gated pool that Amanda said we can use.  Looking forward to a great time of fellowship with the saints.

Here is an RSVP link you can fill out for Amanda Thompson's sake.  Thanks!

RSVP form

Blessings Chris

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Eschatology 101: An Introduction to the Last Things @ the Grosjeans this Friday

Dear fellow douloi of the Noho Biblestudy

This coming Friday we will look at the doctrine of the end times in the Bible. We will seek to answer the following questions:

Why is Eschatology important?
Why is there so much confusion about Eschatology?
What is the significance for my daily walk as a Christian in knowing what the Bible teaches on Eschatology?

If you are interested, come to our Biblestudy this Friday...

It starts at 7pm, snacks and coffee will be provided.

I am looking forward to a great time and interesting discussions...

Blessings Pascal

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fellowship Night @ the Wongs!

Dear fellow douloi of the Noho Bible Study... Join us this Friday for a night of fellowship, where we can worship together, encourage each other, and share prayer requests. The Wongs have graciously opened their home to our study [email for more info]. Some snacks and drinks will be provided. Blessings, Chris

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Noho Biblestudy, Romans 12:11-13, this Friday @ the Moor's House, 7pm

Brothers and Sisters, we will meet this Friday, August 10, at the Moore's house. We will consider Romans 12:11-13. If you would like to prepare, please review Chapter 12:1-13. Questions to consider: 1) Why are we to care for each other so? 2) Should we have a concern for the personal holiness of other believers? Why or Why Not? 3) What are some reasons that you have "lagged in diligence?" 4) Do you know what your spiritual gift is? 5) How does a believer grow in personal holiness? Please pray that God's word would shine forth despite the inadequacies of the teacher and that we, as a group, would grow in the wisdom and knowledge of Christ. Blessings, Tim

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No Noho Biblestudy this Friday

Dear brothers and sisters,

We apologize that there will be no official meeting of North Hollywood Biblestudy this Friday. We assumed that there was a Doulos event at Hollywood Bowl which we wanted to give preference and thus did not plan for anything else. We learned this week that the event is not taking place but decided not to put the burden of hosting the study on any of the families on such a short notice. We would still encourage you to get together informally or to just enjoy some valuable extra time with your spouse or family. Information on next Friday will be posted later. I hope you are all doing well in the Lord and am looking forward to seeing you Sunday.

In Christ,


"Therefore, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

Hebrews 12:1-5

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Worship and Music Study at 7pm at the Moore's

Dear brothers and sisters,

This Friday, (or Freitag for you German speakers) we will be diving into God's word to see what it has to say about Worship and Music. I will be summarizing this blog article, but please take time to read it and see if you agree, somewhat agree, or disagree with some of the sentiments.

Should be a good time, look forward to seeing everyone there.

We will be meeting at the Moore's house.



Monday, July 16, 2012

Fellowship-Night @ Nakia Dolivo Friday July 20th

Dear fellow Douloi of the North Hollywood Bible Study

This Friday we will have another time of gathering together for fellowship, prayer and encouraging each other.  Nakia graciously opens her home to host the study this time. 

Here is her address and phone, we will begin at 7pm!

[email for more info]

Hope to see many of you...



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Noho Biblestudy, Ecclesiastes 12:11-14, this Friday @ the Grosjeans, 7pm

Dear fellow Douloi,

This Friday we will learn from Ecclesiastes 12:11-14.  Ecclesiastes is a wisdom book of the Bible and this Friday’s study will be in the same vein as Jacob’s ongoing Proverb’s series.  We are looking forward to a great time of fellowship and bible study.  Here are some questions that will prime you for the bible study.

What is wisdom?
Who was the human writer of Ecclesiastes?
What does it mean to FEAR GOD and OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS?
Why does the book of Ecclesiastes open with the words "... vanity of vanities! all is vanity"?  How does the opening of the book link to it's conclusion (Eccl 12:11-14?)?
A read through of Ecclesiastes (12 chapters) will give you a good overview of the book.  You can also listen through the book (which I really enjoy) for free on the internet <> while folding laundry, washing dishes, etc.
I hope you all have a great rest of the week and look forward to seeing you on Friday.

in Christ,

Pascal and Vincent

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fellowship Night @ David Foehles' house... Friday July 6th!

Dear fellow douloi of the Noho Bible Study...

Join us this Friday for a night of fellowship, worship and prayer around a bonfire. We will meet at David's house at [email for more info]. Some snacks and drinks will be provided.


Pascal and David

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fellowship Night @ the Hackett's this Friday June 29th...

Dear fellow douloi

This time the Hackett family will graciously open their home to us and host another great time of fellowship.  We will have a time of fellowship, singing and prayer together.

The address is:

[email for more info]

We hope to see many of you


Tim and Pascal

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Study Night at The Moore's this Friday, June 22nd at 7pm

This Friday our very own Tim Hackett will be teaching Romans 12:9-13. The questions are not ready for publishing at this time, but he has assured me that he will have them ready by the study tomorrow. I will be out again, but Pascal will be at the study.

I hope to see you all again soon,


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Game Night at the Hughes' House... this Friday June 15th, 6:30pm

Dear fellow douloi of the Noho-Biblestudy

This Friday we will have a Game-Night and the Hughes family will graciously open their home for us.  We are looking forward to another great time of fellowship and fun with the children.  Families please feel free to bring your children's bikes, scooters or roller blades and helmets, since there will be plenty of space for them to ride and have fun.

The address is:
[email for more info]

We hope to see many of you...



Monday, June 4, 2012

Bible Study this Friday @ the Grosjeans, 7pm, 1John 1:8-10...

Bible Study 1John 1:8-10; Walking in the Light Part 2, A Life of Continually Confessed Sin

Dear fellow douloi

This Friday we are about to finish the 1st chapter in 1John.  We are looking forward to a great time in God’s Word, fellowship and discussion.  In order to prepare yourself for the study, you can study the following questions:

1) V.8 talks about a denial of sin, even a denial of the sin-nature of a person.  How could that happen, what ideas or mindsets lead to such a conclusion? How does that look like in some of today’s churches?

2) V.9 talks about the confession of sin.  It portrays the Christian life as a life of continual confession.  What kind of people hated that kind of teaching the most in Jesus’ days and why?  Can you think of some applications for today? In which areas to we tend to be such people at times?

3) How do we confess sins properly, what are the elements of true repentance?

4) Overall, can you think of some practical applications of this section as a whole?  How do you know that you confess your sins, instead of denying them?  What are the areas of life where this becomes visible the most?

God’s blessings in your studies and I hope to see many of you.



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fellowship-Night @ Del Aguila's, Friday June 1st, 7pm

Dear Noho- Biblestudy

This coming Friday, June the 1st, the DelAguila family offered graciously to open their home and host our North Hollywood Bible Study Fellowship. 

We will come together for fellowship, singing and prayer and we will have a few extra treats…

-       A little "tour" through Chris' newly built studio
-       Some first excerpts of music from the new upcoming album of the "Doulos Band"…
-       An Update about the Ministry in Berlin from Daniel Westermann

The address is:

[email for more info]

Start: 7pm

We hope to see many of you this coming Friday…

In His service

Pascal and Chris