Friday, November 18, 2011

Proverbs 1 continued

In studying through proverbs 1 there were some great questions raised and I am sorry that I didn't take more time to go over them in the study. I am learning as well, so please be patient as I grow in my ability to shepherd and help you. I do want to go over some of the questions this coming study, so I have included one here, and will include time for additional questions on the night of the study, so come with your questions and we will spend some time answering them. 

In reference to Proverbs 1:26 the question was raised, "Does God really mock those in trouble? Does He laugh at those in calamity?" What do you think? What scripture would you use to support your position? 

What about that does or doesn't fit with God's character?

In light of your answer to those questions, how would you explain the meaning of prov 1:26? Pay close attention to who is talking in the verse. 

How can this help us/ motivate us when we are facing a trial or difficult situation in our lives?

I would also like to address the Fear of the Lord, and answer those questions we didn't get to last time. So here they are again:

 In the first part of verse 7 we are told, "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge." What are some ideas that come to mind when you think of fearing the Lord? Does this include actual trembling fear? If so, what causes that fear? Does our fear of God disappear when we are saved? Does it change, if so, how?
- Did Christ fear God?
 - How does our fear of the Lord relate to His love of us? In other words, How could Fear (which makes you want to run) exist together with Love (which makes you want to draw near)?
 - What clues does the second part of verse 7 give us about how someone who fears the LORD will respond to instruction? 

That's a lot, but I think we can get through it in one evening. If you have questions or comments beforehand, please email or call, I would be happy to talk through anything with you.

For those coming to game night, I'll see you tonight. I look forward to our time this evening and, of course, our time in God's Word next Friday.


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