Dear fellow “douloi” of the Noho-Biblestudy…
I am looking forward to our next Bible Study on November 11th, when we will begin to dig into the book of 1John. (And believe me… I am very excited about it ;-)!!!) I studied this book for years and preached through it over the course of 3 years back in Germany, as well as translated the entire book over the summer for my Gladiator Greek class.
It is one of my favorite books of the Bible because it is so “straight-forward”, practical and simple, but at the same time very deep and convicting. As a preparation for the study next week you can do the following things…
1) Please read carefully the Introduction of 1John in the MacArthur Study Bible. This should give you a brief glimpse into the purpose and the overarching themes of the book.
2) Ponder on the following questions…
a. Why is this book so important for us today?
b. One of the themes of the book is, “worldly philosophies undermine the church”. Are there areas where we can observe this today? Can you think of some particular examples?
c. In 1John 1:1 John refers to the “beginning”. What does he mean by that? Is he referring to creation (Gen. 1:1/ John 1:1) or to something else?
d. What is “Gnosticism”? Can you think of some consequences/ implications to which degree/ in which area it could influence your own theology/ thinking/ practical life?
e. What could be the answer to the “Gnostics”?
f. After reading the introduction to 1John, can you sum up the purpose of the entire letter in one or two sentences?
I know that we probably won’t cover everything in one session, but let us see how far we can go… ;-)
I hope you are as excited as I am…
In His service
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