Wednesday, June 12, 2013

NoHo Bible study 6/14/2013... 7pm @ GCC room 234... Studying Colossians 1:24-29.

Dear NoHo Family,

This Friday we will be studying Colossians 1:24-29. Because the Dandurand home is unavailable this Friday, we will be meeting at church, GCC room 234 @ 7pm. 

[13248 Roscoe Blvd, Sun Valley, CA, 91352]

In this passage (vv 24-29) Paul follows up his soaring exaltation of Jesus Christ (vv 15-23) with a description of his labor of love for the church. In doing so he teaches wonderful truths about Christ while also modeling the heart of a pastor for his flock.

If you are able to, please prepare yourself for the study by reading through the passage (vv 24-29) and then making a copy of it in your own handwriting. As you pray and meditate through these verses, ask yourself these two questions: #1 What is the big idea of this passage; and #2 How do these verses fit into the flow of Paul's letter to the Colossians?

Have a great week. We look forward to seeing each of you on Friday!

yours in Christ,
Vincent and Jacob

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