Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bible Study @ the Wong's, 7pm, Jan 4, 2012

Greetings Fellow Duloi,

This Friday, Jan 4, we'll be meeting at the Wong's apartment @ 7pm for Bible study.

[please email us at for further information]

We will study the book of Philemon. We will discover what this book teaches us about love and reconciliation in the body of Christ. It's the shortest Pauline letter. It's less than a page in my Bible, so unless you have the ultra ultra Big Letter version, you should find it to be a short read. 

To prepare for the study please read Philemon once through. If you want to be very prepared, make a paragraph titles (4-6 words) for each of the paragraphs in the letter. This will help you to see the flow in the letter more clearly. If you're using the ESV translation then you should end up with 9 paragraph titles.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Happy New Year!

warmly in Christ,

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