Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Biblestudy @ Grosjean 1John 2:3-6 "Keeping the Commandments", this Friday 7pm

Dear fellow douloi

This Friday we are going to continue our studies in 1John.  In order to prepare yourself for the study you can go through the following questions...

1. In verse 3, John says first "we know", present tense, and then "have come to know", which is a perfect tense, connoting past idea.  What is the significance of that?

2. What is meant by "commandments" in verse 3?

3. What does that mean, when the "truth is not in" someone", in verse 4?

4. In verse 5, John talks about the "love of God" - is this the love of man for God or the love of God for man?

5. What does "perfected" mean? Sinless?

6. Can you think of some overall applications of this passage? Why is it so important for us? What major controversy is involved?

I am looking forward to another time in the word...



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