Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Noho Biblestudy, Romans 12:11-13, this Friday @ the Moor's House, 7pm

Brothers and Sisters, we will meet this Friday, August 10, at the Moore's house. We will consider Romans 12:11-13. If you would like to prepare, please review Chapter 12:1-13. Questions to consider: 1) Why are we to care for each other so? 2) Should we have a concern for the personal holiness of other believers? Why or Why Not? 3) What are some reasons that you have "lagged in diligence?" 4) Do you know what your spiritual gift is? 5) How does a believer grow in personal holiness? Please pray that God's word would shine forth despite the inadequacies of the teacher and that we, as a group, would grow in the wisdom and knowledge of Christ. Blessings, Tim

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