Saturday, January 21, 2012

Proverbs 2:1-11

Please read Proverbs 2 several times before this next study. I want to focus particularly on verses 1-11. I will not be going outside of Proverbs 1 & 2 at all, so let us keep our thoughts and answers specific to these two chapters.

Verses 1-5
- Verses 1-5 are an extended If/Then statement. IF "you" do this, THEN this will happen.
- What expressions or words are used to describe what "you" should do in verses 1-5? This is the part of the statement which follows the IF, e.g. vs 1: "if you receive my words."
- How does this "up the ante" from Proverbs 1:8?
- In verse 5, What are the expressions or words used to show what "you" will receive if you do these things? This is the part of the statement which follows the THEN.

Verses 6-8
- Verse 6 explains how and why "you" will receive what is promised.
- Based on verse 6, where do knowledge and understanding come from?
- Where does wisdom come from? Is it something we earn as a reward for the work done in verses 1-5? 
- In verse 2, Solomon states that his words are wisdom. Does this conflict with what we learn in verse 6? Why or why not?
- Other than the promise of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, what other promises do you see in verses 7-8?

Verses 9-11
- In verse 9 we see another THEN statement. This is connected to the initial THEN statement in verse 5. What do we learn about the LORD between verses 5 and 9? How might this help us understand what happens between the IF statements in verses 1-4 and the second THEN statement in verse 9?
- How is the nature of the things promised in verses 9-11 different from the nature of the things promised in verses 5-8?

Again, this is a lot of material and we will get through as much as the Lord allows, but I hope to make good progress on these questions and I believe we can get through all of it if everyone comes prepared and if we stick to the questions at hand. Of course, I make plans but it is the Lord who establishes my steps, so we will see what happens. I hope these questions help you all think through the verses more thoroughly and, as always, if you have any questions or comments, please give me a call.

I look forward to seeing you all on Friday.


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