Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fellowship-Night @ Del Aguila's, Friday June 1st, 7pm

Dear Noho- Biblestudy

This coming Friday, June the 1st, the DelAguila family offered graciously to open their home and host our North Hollywood Bible Study Fellowship. 

We will come together for fellowship, singing and prayer and we will have a few extra treats…

-       A little "tour" through Chris' newly built studio
-       Some first excerpts of music from the new upcoming album of the "Doulos Band"…
-       An Update about the Ministry in Berlin from Daniel Westermann

The address is:

[email doulosnorthhollywood@gmail.com for more info]

Start: 7pm

We hope to see many of you this coming Friday…

In His service

Pascal and Chris

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bible study this Friday, May 25th, at the Moores' house. 7pm - 10pm-ish.

 Well the Lord has been gracious and allowed me to teach once again in the study. It is my prayer that with more people being trained at my work, I will be able to return to the study regularly. Please keep that in your prayers. 
We will continue looking at Proverbs 3, this time verses 19-35. I would also like to spend some time talking about the nature of Wisdom. So if you have questions from yesterday and what Pastor Allen taught about Wisdom, we can discuss those as well.
There will be fewer people at this study so I hope to have more time to get some good discussion in. So please come with some ideas and questions to talk over. 
Here are some questions to think over as you study the passage.
  1. Prov 3:19-35 General questions:  
    1. What are proverbs? What do you hope to gain by reading the proverbs? By following them? 
  2. Verse 19-20  
    1. In verses 19-20, what words are used as parallel categories with wisdom? 
    2. How about verses 13 and 21?  
    3. What words are used parallel to wisdom In chapter 2 verses 2-3? Verse 6 and verses 10-11?  
    4. Do you see a pattern? What does this tell us about how “wisdom” is being used? i.e. the context.  
  3. Verse 20  
    1. What comes to mind when you hear, “the clouds drop down the dew, by God's knowledge”? Did God have to learn this by experience? If not, what might this tell us about the expression, “by God's knowledge”?  
    2. On Sunday, Pastor Allen spoke of a craftsman and the wisdom he uses to build something, does this concept relate to God and His creation? If so, does this have anything to do with how the heavens declare His glory? If not, why not? 
  4. Last time we learned three things about the counter-intuitive nature of wisdom. This time we will look at three commands God gives us.  
    1. Verse 25-26 What is command here? What does that really mean? What example of this can you think of in real life? 
    2. Verse 27 What is command here?   
      1. The following three verses give examples of this command with increasing severity.  
        1. Verse 28 – What is example here? Can you think of an actual time when this might happen in life?  
        2. Verse 29 – What is example here? Can you think of an actual time when this might happen in life? 
        3.  Verse 30 – What is example here? Can you think of an actual time when this might happen in life?  
    3. Verse 31 What is command here? How might we do this?  
  5. Verse 32-35 Through out our study of the proverbs, we have seen two general categories of person. What are they?
  6. What promises does God give to those who live according to His laws throughout Chapter 3
I hope these questions are a help and I look forward to seeing you all this coming Friday.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fellowship - Night @ the Grosjeans, this Friday May 18th

Dear fellow douloi

This Friday we will come together for another time of fellowship, prayer and some singing.  Chris DelAguila will lead through the evening and we hope that many of you are able to come.

It starts at 7pm at the "Cantara"-house ;-)

Many blessings

In His service

Pascal and Chris

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bible Study @ Grosjeans Friday May 11th 7pm

Dear Fellow Douloi

We will look at 1Kings Chapter 19 this Friday and since Pascal and Bea are out of town, David Foehles graciously jumped in to fill the gap and teach us a lesson on "Reasons and Resolutions for Spiritual Depression".  In order to prepare for the study, you can ponder the following questions...

- What signs of spiritual depression do you see in the passage?
- What are the reasons for Elijah's spiritual depression in this passage?
- How does God deal with Elijah in this situation?
- What are some conclusions and applications we can draw for ourselves?

We are sure this will be very beneficial and practical for all of you.
Many blessings
In His service

Pascal and David