Monday, April 30, 2012

Fellowship-Night @ Nakia Dolivo Friday April 4th

Dear fellow Douloi of the North Hollywood Bible Study

This Friday we will have another time of gathering together for fellowship, prayer and encouraging each other.  Nakia graciously opens her home to host the study this time. 

Here is her address and phone, we will begin at 7pm!

[email for more info]

Hope to see many of you...

...not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Heb.10:25)



Monday, April 23, 2012

1John 1:5-7: Walking in the Light Part 1: Holy living, this Friday April 27th @ the Moores...

Dear fellow “douloi” of the North Hollywood Bible Study

And again we will have the chance to dig into the text of 1John.  As we will study verses 5-7 in chapter 1, we will begin to work our way through the different test criteria of true Christianity that John provided for his confused readers towards the end of the 1st century.  They are still as applicable today as they were in John’s days. 

To prepare yourself for the study, you can look at the questions below:

Question 1:  What is the meaning of “light”? What does it precisely stand for? Consequently, what is therefore the meaning of darkness?

To answer this question, study the following passages:
o   John 1:4
o   John 3:19
o   1John 2:9
o   Matt. 5:14
o   Psalm 119:105
o   Eph. 5:8-10 (Phil 2:14-16)
o   Rom. 13:12-13

*** (we will split up in groups and discuss this, it might be good for you to have some notes with you on which you put down some initial thoughts.)

Question 2: What does it mean to “walk in the light”?
We will take a close look at verses 6-7 in 1John 1 to answer this question.

I am looking forward to a great time of teaching and fellowship with all of you.

In His service


Monday, April 16, 2012

Fellowship with West L.A. Study, this Friday April 20th 6:30pm!

Dear Fellow Douloi,

This Friday night the 20th, beginning at 6:30 pm, we'll be having a game and fellowship night at Stephen Duwe's duplex. The West L.A. study will be joining the North Hollywood study for this evening of fun! If you'd like, bring your favorite game and snacks to share (feel free to bring your own dinner or eat beforehand). Stephen will be providing the s'mores and bonfire and the garage climbing wall (a kid favorite!). We'll have some worship and prayer around the campfire as well.

We hope to see you there!

Pascal and Stephen

Friday, April 6, 2012

“Back to the Roots” – Basic Christianity “101” (1John 1:1-4)

Dear Fellow Douloi of the North Hollywood Bible Study

Friday April 13th we will finally dive into the text of 1John 1:1-4. 
Here are some things you can think through in advance and which we will talk about that night.  The questions below are designed, only to give you the broad strokes and will not be part of our discussion in this particular way. They will introduce you to some of the things we will look at in more detail during the study.

1.     The apostle John is introducing basic Christianity in order to call the confused Christians in Asia Minor back to their roots.  He portrays the two most basic elements in verses 1-2, an authentic message and an authentic person.  In which way does that fact shed light on your understanding of the concept of truth?

2.     The purpose of his writing is that the recipients may experience true fellowship (v.3). John’s concept of fellowship is obviously deeper than the way we often understand it today.  In which way does it encompass more than just a social gathering?  (note his statement “with the Father and with His Son”)

3.     The second purpose is genuine Joy (v.4).  Think about the concept of true biblical joy.  What is it based on? How do we cultivate it?

Looking forward to an interesting discussion and great time of fellowship!

